lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

To Cookie and Lola

A smile for a baby

In the night, when turn up the stars,
appear the first star, Venus,
exactly now tell me about your eyes
tell me about the existence of the hugs
because my baby just need a hug,
while I see the shine of yours stars of your eyes
because I wish play with you, my love.
I’m laugh; I’m laugh for a baby,
because my baby play with my hands
because my baby be with me

A cry for a baby

In the night, when lost the
sea, don’t tell me about
the existence of loneliness
because my baby just
a lost soul in the night,
because he don’t play with me.
My soul and the soul of she, him seek
the soul of my young wife,
and my hurt soul,
we don’t see his eyes.
I’m crying, I’m crying for a baby lost,
the lost soul, the lost night,
the lost sea…

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